Cheb Khaled - Aicha (Anthony Keyrouz Remix)

Cheb Khaled — Aicha (Anthony Keyrouz Remix)

Опубликовано: 17 февр. 2017 г.Sound Of Soul — Your favorite music you haven't heard yet.
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Flyboard Air, mucho más que un monopatín volador

Flyboard Air, mucho más que un monopatín volador

Опубликовано: 31 мая 2018 г.El sueño de los monopatines voladores, también conocidos como hoverboards puede verse reducido a un simple juego de niños al ver el Flyboard Air desarrollado por Franky Zapata.


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How Gravity Built the World's Fastest Jet Suit | WIRED

How Gravity Built the World's Fastest Jet Suit | WIRED

Опубликовано: 9 нояб. 2018 г.Richard Browning built the world's fastest personal jet suit. WIRED spoke with him to find out about the design process and engineering a radical new form of transportation.

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How Gravity Built the World's Fastest Jet Suit | WIRED

10 Fastest Boats Ever Made

10 Fastest Boats Ever Made

Опубликовано: 3 янв. 2019 г.Many people in this world are very fascinated by fast cars. They customize their vehicle day after day so that they can drive at speeds of up to 270 MPH. Unfortunately, This is all fun and games until a police officer stops them and writes a hefty ticket. Plus, roads are so crowded nowadays, when are they actually ever going to get to go that fast? Luckily, we’ve found an alternate solution for you speed demons — boats. Today we’ll be taking at look at the fastest boats, starting from a fastest yacht, go to the jet sky that can reach a speed of 200 kilometers per hours, and finish with the Fastest boat in the world or a fastest thing on water. Here we go.

Overall, drag boats are the fastest boats on the water. Top Fuel Hydros are incredible machines and use the very same 8000 horsepower, supercharged, nitroburning, 500 cubic inch Hemi engines as a Top Fuel Dragster and Funny Car’s do. The “Problem Child” boat, owned by “Fast” Eddie Knox, is the reigning Lucas Oil Drag Boat Series Top Fuel world champion and holds the 15 quickest 1,000-foot elapsed times in history, including the current 3.396, 258.26 mph national records. However, once you get a taste of speed you just can’t stop because they recorded a 3.36 last season and a speed of over 260 mph. If you didn’t understand the name problem child, we hope you do now. Because if this thing was a person, it’d probably give more of a headache than dash from the incredibles.

Bluebird K7 is a jet engined hydroplane with which Britain's Donald Campbell set seven world water speed all time records during the later half of the 1950s and the 1960s. K7 was the first successful jet-powered hydroplane, and was considered revolutionary when launched in January 1955. Campbell used the K7 and added almost 100 mph to the water speed record, taking it from 178 mph to an incredible 276 mph. Unfortunately, Campbells need for speed got the better of him when he was killed in an accident on January 4th 1967, whilst trying to set a new water speed record, with his aim to raise it to over 300 miles per hour.

flyboardAir News France

flyboardAir News France

Опубликовано: 13 дек. 2016 г.Quelques images inédites du flyboard air et de son inventeur Franky Zapata pendant des essais de vitesse début décembre à Sausset les Pins près de Marseille (France)
Some unpublished images of the flyboard air and its inventor Franky Zapata during speed tests at the beginning of December in Sausset les Pins near Marseille (France)

Flyboard Air® News France 3

Flyboard Air® News France 3

Опубликовано: 23 дек. 2016 г.Run complete five minutes, (sequence-length shot) demo, exercises and run with the jet-ski escort
Sausset les Pins / Martigues (France) December 2016 Beach of Boumandariel
Run complet de cinq minutes, (plan-séquence) démo, exercices et course avec le jet-ski accompagnateur
Sausset les Pins/Martigues (France) Décembre 2016 Plage de Boumandariel
Musique par Gunnar Olsen — Trancer (Youtube Audio Library)

Une nouvelle et extraordinairement plus performante machine en cette fin d'année pour Franky Zapata l'inventeur du Flyboard Air®
Nouvelles turbines, 6 en tout, 4 très puissantes qui se chargent de la sustentation principale, deux un peu plus petites latérales à flux dirigeable, qui règlent la vitesse de déplacement (anciennement deux turbines électriques).
Le «bloc moteur» semble avoir subit quelques transformations; sensiblement plus large, avec de nouveaux pieds, des grilles d'aspiration plus fines, construit en monobloc, aluminium carbone?
La stabilité latérale s'en trouve améliorée. Pour aller plus vite (150 Km/h annoncés) les turbines latérales, anciennement dirigées horizontalement, sont placés verticalement, les sorties orientables ajoutées à l'inclinaison du pilote, propulsent vers l'avant avec un maximum d'efficacité permettant maintenant des pointes de vitesses instantanées extraordinaires!
Aux dires de monsieur Zapata, la consommation et donc la pollution a été réduite, grâce en particulier à l'adoption de nouveaux et plus puissants moteurs.
D'autres turbines façon ATJ, Jetronics ou Jetcat, pilotés par GSU, fonctionnant sans doute, elles aussi au «Jet Fuel» additionné d'un peu d'huile spéciale, pour lubrifier les roulements (Kérosène JET A-1, carburant aviation) spécialement étudiées pour cette nouvelle machine (les actuelles auraient tendance à chauffer) seraient en cours d'étude, peut-être chez un fabricant teuton.
Concernant le pilotage de cet engin révolutionnaire, le travail des jambes du pilote, debout, qui doit sans cesse diriger avec ses pieds la machine volante, semble être réservé à quelqu'un d'une constitution et d'une expérience de ce type de pilotage, exceptionnelles, à moins qu'un gyroscope vienne aider le pilote?
Il suffit pour cela de regarder les premières et les dernières images du flyboard air®, pour constater le chemin parcouru, en matière de maniabilité, de stabilité et de vitesse, depuis seulement quelques mois par son inventeur.
Une grosse société, fournissant pour l'armée américaine des systèmes de détection d'explosifs, aurait, avec lettre d'intention à la clé, proposé le rachat de la société de monsieur Zapata. Nul doute qu' une armée équipée soldats volants, aurait un certain avantage sur le terrain…
Longue vie à cette invention qui nous propulse d'un coup bien au-delà du troisième millénaire!
fabricesade FM © 12/2016

A new and extraordinarily more powerful machine at the end of the year for Franky Zapata the inventor of the Flyboard Air®
New turbines, 6 in all, two very powerful which take care of the main sustentation, and two laterals with steerable flow, which regulate the speed of movement.
The «engine block» seems to have undergone some transformations; Substantially wider, with new feet, finer suction grilles, Built in monobloc, aluminum carbon?
The lateral stability is improved. To go faster (150 Km / h announced) the lateral turbines, formerly horizontally directed, are
Placed vertically, the steerable outlets added to the tilt of the pilot, propel forward with maximum efficiency allowing now
Instantaneous speeds of extraordinary speeds!
According to Mr. Zapata, consumption and therefore pollution has been reduced, thanks in particular to the adoption of new and more powerful engines. Other turbines like ATJ, Jetronics or Jetcat, driven by GSU, probably also operate at the Jet Fuel, with a little oil to lubricate the bearings (Kerosene JET A-1, aviation fuel) Specially studied for this new machine (the current ones would tend to heat) would be under study, perhaps in a Teutonic manufacturer.
Concerning the piloting of this revolutionary machine, the work of the legs of the pilot, standing, which must constantly direct with his feet the flying machine, Seems to be reserved for someone with a constitution and experience of this type of piloting, exceptional, unless a gyroscope comes to help the pilot?
All you have to do is look at the first and last images of the flyboard air®, to see how far you have come, in terms of maneuverability,
Stability and speed, for only a few months by its inventor.
A large corporation, supplying the US military with explosives detection systems, would have, with a letter of intent in mind, proposed the redemption Of Mr. Zapata's company. No doubt that an army equipped flying soldiers, would have some advantage on the ground ...
Long live this invention that propels us suddenly beyond the third millennium!
Fabricesade FM © 12/2016