Призрак (фильм)

Призрак (фильм)

Опубликовано: 18 нояб. 2016 г.Премьера! «История одного назначения» https://youtu.be/k4PeXs2IoMw

Школьник Ваня Кузнецов был пустым местом всегда. Жертва гиперопеки матери, объект насмешек одноклассников, он боится даже заговорить с девочкой, в которую давно влюблен. У Юры есть неделя, чтобы закончить дело своей жизни и поднять самолет в воздух. Ваня — единственный, кто его видит и может ему помочь.
Фильмы онлайн — http://bit.ly/filmsonline
Фильмы онлайн (HD) — http://bit.ly/filmsHD
Трейлеры — http://bit.ly/1tM4897
Лучшие моменты — http://bit.ly/1xB4T4k
Фильмы комедии — http://bit.ly/1AlZ5hr
Фильмы про войну — http://bit.ly/1BuYZ5X
Фильмы про любовь — http://bit.ly/1xzWePS
Фильмы драма — http://bit.ly/1BGcCO1
Мультфильмы — http://bit.ly/1xB0PAU
Фильмография Алексея Балабанова — http://bit.ly/17fSwAQ Сайт http://ctb.ru/
#ств #фильм #призрак

Джобс. Империя соблазна / Фильм / HD

Джобс. Империя соблазна / Фильм / HD

Опубликовано: 1 мар. 2016 г.Революцию может начать и один человек.
Он был молод, красив и чертовски талантлив. Начав с нуля, он смог построить мировую империю соблазна. О нем грезили женщины. Ему завидовали мужчины. Он соблазнил миллионы. Его звали Стив Джобс.
ДЖОБС. ИМПЕРИЯ СОБЛАЗНА рассказывает невероятную историю Стива Джобса, отважного новатора и предпринимателя, который шел к величию, несмотря на все тяготы и преграды. Этот человек оставил весьма заметный след в истории, навсегда изменив не только вектор развития технологии, но и жизнь во всем мире…
Роль одного из основателей компании Apple Стива Джобса исполняет Эштон Кутчер. Актеру удалось идеально передать образ проницательного и страстного предпринимателя, чей необычный подход стал катализатором цифровой революции и навсегда изменил жизни миллионов людей.
Стив Джобс родился в рабочем пригороде в Северной Калифорнии и окончил Рид-колледж. С ранней юности он тщетно пытался найти свое место в жизни. Он путешествовал по Индии в поисках просветления, как и многие из его поколения баловался наркотиками – и все это ради того, чтобы понять, что в нем томится гениальный техник. Он никогда не мог смириться с жестким графиком работы «от звонка до звонка», кабинеты офисов были для него слишком тесны. Джобс решил заняться маркетингом компьютерной приставки, которую изобрел его башковитый друг детства Стив Возняк по прозвищу «Воз» (Джош Гад). Комбинируя природный дар убеждения и знания в области технологий, Джобс смог заключить договор с местным магазином электроники на поставку для реализации 100 подобных приставок. Чтобы собрать партию, Джобс «арендовал» родительский гараж и привлек своих друзей. Так появилась фирма Apple Computers.

Дивергент (2014) | Divergent | Фильм в HD

Дивергент (2014) | Divergent | Фильм в HD

Опубликовано: 7 апр. 2017 г.Подпишись на наш канал https://www.youtube.com/CentralPartne... и ты сможешь смотреть фильмы в HD онлайн бесплатно в хорошем качестве.

В антиутопическом Чикаго будущего существует общество, члены которого придумали способ избегать конфликтов и поддерживать вокруг незыблемый порядок. Каждый человек по достижении 16 лет должен определить, к чему лежит его душа, и в зависимости от своих личностных качеств присоединиться к одной из пяти фракций — Искренность, Бесстрашие, Эрудиция, Дружелюбие или Отречение.

Для того, чтобы и не ошибиться с фракцией, накануне церемонии выбора подростки проходят специальное тестирование. Юная Беатрис оказывается угрозой для всей сложившейся системы, когда тесты выявляют в ней дивергента — человека, которого невозможно однозначно определить в одну из фракций. Способные мыслить независимо и не питающие особого уважения к правительству, дивергенты одним своим существованием дискредитируют принципы, на которых строится общество. И теперь Беатрис — одна из таких людей, живущих вне закона и борющихся с системой, которая намерена любой ценой от них избавиться.

● Central Partnership в Google Play: https://goo.gl/wqhj6C

● Central Partnership в социальных сетях:
Instagram — http://instagram.com/centralpartnership
Facebook — http://www.facebook.com/centpart
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● Официальный сайт: http://www.centpart.ru

MattyBRaps - Live For Today

MattyBRaps — Live For Today

Опубликовано: 5 окт. 2016 г.‘Live For Today’ Available Everywhere Now!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/liv...
Stream & Add To Your Spotify Playlist: https://play.spotify.com/album/5BcaiM...
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/a...
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Live-for-Today...

Official MattyB Gear:

Follow MattyB:
Snapchat: realmattybraps


They say that we reckless
They say we can’t do it our own way
They can’t promise tomorrow
So let’s live for today
They love to have no fun (no fun)
We love to make stops along the way
They can’t promise tomorrow
So let’s live for today
Now if ya with me say OH  —
And if ya with me say OH —

So why don’t you do YOU cause I’mma be ME
Lemme prophesy what the future gon be
Making moves like this, while they looking like that
Couple billion in now er’body think they rap
What you talkin’ bout, Matt? (ha!)
Nothin but the end zone
Started up a label now I’m putting all of my friends on
Writing my own theme songs, kid with a dream songs
Yeah right, like I’ve ever been up in the friend zone
Matty be my boyfriend?  baby that’s a no ma’am
I’m about to go ham, they say that I glowed up so much compared to my old jams
but this is for my old fans, this is for my true fam, with me through and through man
doing what it do fam, ye ye
everybody signed to majors
I keep building my sky scraper
brick by brick keeping stacking layers
flow like you can taste the flavor
Haters still think they darth vador
so I press they buttons like a little kid on elevators 

They say that we reckless
They say we can’t do it our own way
They can’t promise tomorrow
So let’s live for today
They love to have no fun
We love to make stops along the way
They can’t promise tomorrow
So let’s live for today
Now if ya with me say OH  —
And if ya with me say OH —

So why don’t we take a trip down memory lane
I was 6 or 7 with some music on my brain
I ain’t know what I was doing so I just bang bang on my books
And I sang every hook, it was strange all the looks
But it didn’t matter to me like whatever I’mma do me
I would listen in amazement, study in the basement 
Put that criticism on my back cause I can take
Grinding with my craft, in the lab being patient
Face it, pace it, till I make progression
That ain’t insta fame man, that’s a thousand sessions
Homie i’m in beast mode, raw baby, I’ve been through it all
I ain’t worried bout y’all 
Now I see ‘em out there trying so hard not to admit it
But deep inside they feeling what I’m spitting’s
Kinda hard hitting, no wait a minute
What am I saying, who am I kidding
He grew up and got sick wit it

They say that we reckless
They say we can’t do it our own way
They can’t promise tomorrow
So let’s live for today
They love to have no fun (no fun)
We love to make stops along the way
They can’t promise tomorrow
So let’s live for today
Now if ya with me say OH  —
And if ya with me say OH —

Cause when they tell us that we gotta move this way, we say no way, no way
And when they tell us that we gotta sound that way, we say no way, no way
And when they tell us who we gotta be, don’t ya know that we say no way, no way
Cause I’mma live my life being who I am so I say no way, no way

They say that we reckless
They say we can’t do it our own way
They can’t promise tomorrow
So let’s live for today
They love to have no fun (no fun)
We love to make stops along the way
They can’t promise tomorrow
So let’s live for today
Now if ya with me say OH  —
And if ya with me say OH —

They say that we reckless
They say we can’t do it our own way
They can’t promise tomorrow
So let’s live for today

MattyBRaps - Right In Front Of You

MattyBRaps — Right In Front Of You

Опубликовано: 13 нояб. 2017 г.iTunes Download: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id13136...

Hi BFamily! Hope you enjoy watching the Official Music Video to my new single, “Right In Front Of You“!

Official MattyB Gear:

Follow MattyB:
Snapchat: realmattybraps


Hey, I ain’t gonna wait much longer
If you can’t see that I’m right in front you
When I’m standing right in front of you
Hey, I ain’t gonna wait much longer
If you can’t see that I’m right in front you
When I’m standing right in front of you

Aye, I’ve been thinking back on the first time
You walked up and said, “Wanna play around?”
We were both just kids
We ain’t ever been in a relationship, oh
And I remember when I saw you
Standing there like, “What you gonna come do?”
Said those were different days
But you always knew the words to drive me crazy

And we laugh and we cry
And we dream we could fly
And we play like we’re tough
And one day we grew up and oh
If it were yesterday
I never should have let you walk away

Hey, I ain’t gonna wait much longer
If you can’t see that I’m right in front you
When I’m standing right in front of you
Hey, I ain’t gonna wait much longer
If you can’t see that I’m right in front you
When I’m standing right in front of you

Yo, What I remember we were close as they get
You were like everything that I could want in a friend
You were like everything even though we were just kids
I still remember what you said
I will never forget
I still remember the first time I looked at you that way
It was the first time I ever didn’t know what to say
See what we had was something special
Didn’t want it to end
But I would try to cover up the way I felt to my friends

And we laugh and we cry
And we dream we could fly
And we play like we’re tough
And one day we grew up and oh
If it were yesterday
I never should have let you walk away

Hey, I ain’t gonna wait much longer
If you can’t see that I’m right in front you
When I’m standing right in front of you
Hey, I ain’t gonna wait much longer
If you can’t see that I’m right in front you
When I’m standing right in front of you

It’s hard for me to say
I’m jealous of the way
The way you look at her
It’s hard for me to say
I’m jealous of the way
The way you look at her

Hey, I ain’t gonna wait much longer
If you can’t see that I’m right in front you
When I’m standing right in front of you
Hey, I ain’t gonna wait much longer
If you can’t see that I’m right in front you
When I’m standing right in front of you

TOP 6 | School Fight Scenes | Satisfya | _mohd_emon | _mo salim | khan angels | attitude status

TOP 6 | School Fight Scenes | Satisfya | _mohd_emon | _mo salim | khan angels | attitude status

Опубликовано: 21 мая 2019 г.Follow me on instagram 》https://www.instagram.com/md._em0n/
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MattyBRaps - California Dreamin

MattyBRaps — California Dreamin

Опубликовано: 25 окт. 2016 г.‘California Dreamin’ Available Everywhere Now!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cal...
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/a...

This video is dedicated to my BFamily who has helped make my dreams possible. Thank you for all your support. Love ya! -MB

Official MattyB Gear:

Follow MattyB:
Snapchat: realmattybraps


I’m from down south where we always got sunshine
They say you can’t be a light if it wasn’t for the dark side
Some days you gotta smile through all the broken times
It’ll all be fine, It’s all in your mind, oh yeah
We were paralyzed by fear, now we more than kids, we up

We just chasing dreams, chasing dreams
California dreamin, oh yeah
You know that we just chasing dreams, chasing dreams
California dreamin, oh yeah

oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Gotta get your sunshine
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
California dreamin

Sometimes I’ll get home from school and see people on the news
Arguing with each other and yelling their point of view
While people fighting and rioting and shooting to kill each other
Somebody’s brother — POW — There goes another
I wish love would be our drugs and bullets could heal each other
Smiles instead of tears — be kind and real to each other
We just wanna live our life, red and yellow black and white
Maybe one day we’ll grow up and this will all just be alright like

We just chasing dreams, chasing dreams
California dreamin, oh yeah
You know that we just chasing dreams, chasing dreams
California dreamin, oh yeah

oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Gotta get your sunshine
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
California dreamin

Now I’m sending all the love that’s inside my soul
All across the globe, let’s see where it goes
I’ll be sending all the love that’s inside my soul
Let’s see where it goes

We just chasing dreams, chasing dreams
California dreamin, oh yeah
You know that we just chasing dreams, chasing dreams
California dreamin, oh yeah

oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Gotta get your sunshine
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
California dreamin

MattyBRaps - Story of Our Lives (Music Video)

MattyBRaps — Story of Our Lives (Music Video)

Опубликовано: 18 июл. 2019 г.«Story of Our Lives» Available Everywhere!
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/stor...
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4lxoWf...
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/a...

Hi BFamily, hope you enjoy my new music video #StoryofOurLives!
This project is special to me because of it's message that beauty comes from within and your value is not based on surface or material things. It was also a lot of fun working with my little sister, Sarah Grace who enjoys acting and creating videos. #StoryofOurLives #MattyBRaps

Hope you dig the new single and it means something to you.

Music video coming soon!

Official MattyB Gear:

Follow MattyB:
Snapchat: realmattybraps


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

We’ve all been down before and need some picking up
Turn a frown upside down, never touch it up
You can be yourself and be real, don’t gotta cover-up
Every imperfection and flaw, tryin to measure up

‘Cause you’re so perfect, worth it
Beauty has no limit // it’s what’s inside
Believe that you can see it, dream it, be it
I really want you to know
I want you to know

Don’t stop
Start to finish, be authentic, baby don’t stop
Beauty isn’t on the surface, baby don’t stop
Life is more than being perfect
Baby don’t stop
Let’s just enjoy the ride, and don’t stop

Keep it going, keep it going, keep it, don’t stop
Keep it going, keep it going, keep it, don’t stop
You’re more than a moment in time
Picture perfect’s not what truly defines
The story of our lives

Memories fade on a timeline
No one‘s really perfect but we all try
Spending time looking at our reflections
Never showing a single real imperfection
Checking every number and like
Every post, every pic, every follow every swipe
It’s like — ain’t nothing wrong with being your best
But your worth is so much more than all of this

‘Cause you’re so perfect, worth it
Beauty has no limit // it’s what’s inside
Believe that you can see it, dream it, be it
I really want you to know
I want you to know

Don’t stop
Start to finish, be authentic, baby don’t stop
Beauty isn’t on the surface, baby don’t stop
Life is more than being perfect
Baby don’t stop
Let’s just enjoy the ride, and don’t stop

Keep it going, keep it going, keep it, don’t stop
Keep it going, keep it going, keep it, don’t stop
You’re more than a moment in time
Picture perfect’s not what truly defines
The story of our lives

The story of our lives
The story of our lives

MattyBRaps - Hey Matty

MattyBRaps — Hey Matty

Опубликовано: 18 дек. 2017 г.iTunes Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/hey...

LIMITED EDITION MERCH: http://represent.com/mattyb

Hi BFamily! Hope you enjoy watching the Official Music Video to my new single, “Hey Matty“!

Official MattyB Gear:

Follow MattyB:
Snapchat: realmattybraps


Hey Matty, Matty
You be looking so fine
And when you walking down the hall
All the girls form a line
They be like 1,2,3
I hope ya pick me, pick me (no pick me!)
Hi Matty
Hey Matty, Matty
You be looking so good
And when you touch down in my city
Come to my neighborhood
Yeah it’s 123 East Peachtree Street
And see me, no see me, see me
Hi Matty

[Verse 1]
Stop, er’body get woke
I’ve been making hits
Since I was six years old
Kicking it in my living room, after school
And just watching cartoons in my underoos, true
With the click of the remote, I can’t believe it
A music video comes on, what am I seeing?
I jump up and I study the beat
I get to shaking my rump, I get to moving my feet
I get to jumping around, break it down
Coming up with my own smooth dance moves
Like I see on TV
Guess it was all she wrote
I hit a couple of notes
We made a video
And online I go
One turned, to two and three
I went upstairs, I said my prayers
I counted sheep, I fell asleep
And when I woke up the next day
Hi, I’m mattyb

Hey Matty, Matty
You be looking so fine
And when you walking down the hall
All the girls form a line
They be like 1,2,3
I hope ya pick me, pick me (no pick me!)
Hi Matty
Hey Matty, Matty
You be looking so good
And when you touch down in my city
Come to my neighborhood
Yeah it’s 123 East Peachtree Street
And see me, no see me, see me
Hi Matty

[Verse 2]
These days, these boys cuff a lot
Talking all soft cause they think that’s hot, bro
She won’t retweet “mi amor”
When she get a boyfriend that’s 6’4”
Who you talkin ‘bout, MattyB?
Everybody, don’t front y’all do it
Don’t try to hide it
I ain’t tryna date like 10 billion fans
I’m just tryna write a song that can make ya dance, ya know?
I’m too cool for that
My soul is too old school for that
Like a real tight fade from the barber shop
With a brand new Benz in the parking lot
These boys I see, they tryna sleep
The kings here, try not to speak (shhhhh)
Real recognize real, you see
Y’all tripping, I’m mattyb
Now play my theme song

Hey Matty, Matty
You be looking so fine
And when you walking down the hall
All the girls form a line
They be like 1,2,3
I hope ya pick me, pick me (no pick me!)
Hi Matty
Hey Matty, Matty
You be looking so good
And when you touch down in my city
Come to my neighborhood
Yeah it’s 123 East Peachtree Street
And see me, no see me, see me
Hi Matty

STOP… everybody dance.