Addy's wish to be...a pop star in her own music video!

Addy's wish to be...a pop star in her own music video!

Опубликовано: 5 мая 2014 г.MUSIC VIDEO WORLD PREMIERE! Watch five-year-old wish kid Addy's wish to be a pop star performing her favorite song ROAR by Katy Perry.

Wish kid Addy is like many little girls her age. She loves cotton candy, chocolate chip ice cream, sparkles, rainbows, reading and coloring, particularly with pink and purple. Unlike many little girls, however, Addy was diagnosed at age four with stage IV cancer. During her long hospital visits, chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Addy would spend hours drawing and, when she felt up for it, practicing her singing and dancing. Addy took inspiration from an array of performances by her favorite musicians on YouTube. When she learned she would be granted a wish by Make-A-Wish® Mid-Atlantic-- she asked to be a pop star performing ROAR by Katy Perry (her favorite artist). Inspired by the lyrics to ROAR, Addy fought and beat cancer, celebrating her victory with her wish come true — this incredible music video. #addyroar

Want to know more about her story and journey to make this video? Check out her official Behind the Scenes video! #addyroar

Special thanks to Blue Sky Films for production services.

Also, thank you to Omega Records for their assistance with the vocal track.

Additional thanks for GIGS for providing Addy's vocal lessons in preparation for her video.

Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.

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