FRENCH ACCORDION MUSIC Valse musette Yann Tiersen style - Jo Brunenberg accordeon acordeon Akkordeon
FRENCH ACCORDION MUSIC Valse musette Yann Tiersen style — Jo Brunenberg accordeon acordeon Akkordeon
Опубликовано: 17 сент. 2014 г.‘Valse de la Fermeture Définitive’
Sad song composed by Jo Brunenberg inspired by the disappearance of small local shops in France. A sad accordion.
Une valse triste sur la disparition du petite commerce en France.
Akkordeonmusik. Musica francesa acordeon.
Sheet music: Free download at:
With a photographic documentary in 4K resolution.
Photographie – Fotografie – Fotografia – Photos – Fotos — фото
Photography and music composition by Jo Brunenberg. Played on Ottavianelli accordion with LIMEX Microphone Sound System. Live recording, august 2014.
In French towns and villages small specialized shops and family hotels are disappearing in a short timespan.
Many shop windows of traditional butchers, bakers, caterers, etc. are empty or even boarded up. The arrival of huge supermarkets and hotel chains is a major cause of this phenomenon and the current crisis only accelerates this unfortunate development.
This also eliminates the social function of small shops as a meeting place and also the craftsmanship often transferred from generation to generation gets lost.
Dans les villes et villages de France les petits commerçants et des hôtels de la famille sont en train de disparaître.
De nombreuses fenêtres de bouchers traditionnels, boulangers, traiteurs, etc. sont vides et parfois même barricadé. L'arrivée des grands supermarchés et les chaînes hôtelières est une cause majeure et la crise actuelle accélère cette évolution regrettable.
Cela élimine également la fonction sociale des petits commerces comme un lieu de rencontre et aussi le savoir-faire souvent hérité de génération à génération se perd.
In Franse steden en dorpen verdwijnen in hoog tempo de kleine winkeliers en hotels.
Veel etalages van ambachtelijke slagers, bakkers, traiteurs etc. zijn leeg en soms zelfs dichtgespijkerd. De komst van de grote supermarkten en hotelketens is een belangrijke oorzaak en de huidige crisis versnelt deze treurige ontwikkeling.
Hiermee verdwijnt ook de sociale functie als ontmoetingsplaats en het ambachtelijke vakmanschap dat vaak van generatie op generatie is overgedragen.
Musette Accordion Music Instrumental solo — El vals acordeon — French Accordion Music — Accordion waltz musette Frankreich — Accordeon muziek — Franse Accordeonmuziek — Musique a l'Accordéon Francais — Francesa musica acordeon instrumentala — Akordeon music — Akkordeon solo Valse Musette Walzer Französisch — valzer musette — musette TV — Accordeon solo — l'accordeón musique France — acordió — أكورديون عزف موسيقى فرنسية — harmonikka — harmonika instrumental — ακορντεόν — бая́н — Баян вальс — muzyka akordeon — akordeony — akordeonowe — akordeonie — ધમણવાળું વાદ્ય — cairdín — harmónikku — 아코디언 — akordeonas — akordeon müzikleri — Acordeones — tocando el acordeon — хармоника — 手風琴演奏 — アコーディオン — ակորդեոն — Вальс мюзетт аккордеона — баяне музыка — French Accordion song — Paris — Akkordeon Musik — musica fisarmonica valzer francese — fizarmonikë — música acordeão — harmonika — dragspelsmusik — dragspel — trekkspillmusikk — trekkspill — haitarimusiikkia — бая́н – Nederlandse Accordeonist- Accordionist — acordeonista — acordeoneros — аккордеонист — Walc Akordeon — аккордеон франция — Frankrijk — France — Nederland — Limburg
The Valse Musette is the best known type of French Accordion song.
The musette Accordion was especially popular in Paris in the early 20th century and remains to be popular in France ever since. Joseph Colombo worked together with famous accordionists and composers like Gus Viseur and Tony Murena et son ensemble. Joseph Colombo was author of many great musette waltzes, of course including 'Indifférence'. André Verschuren composed various songs that became famous like Style Musette.
Some famous interpreters of the Valse Musette are: Gus Viseur, André Verschuren, Emile Vacher, Albert Hennebel — Dany Moureaux etc.
I am a great admirer of Yann Tiersen (born 23 June 1970). Yann Tiersen is a French musician and composer. His music is recognized by its use of a large variety of instruments in relatively minimalist compositions, often with a touch of either European classical music or French folk music, using primarily the piano, accordion or violin together with instruments like the melodica, xylophone, toy piano, ondes martenot, harpsichord and typewriter. His musical style, particularly when using toy and folk instruments is similar to Penguin Cafe Orchestra and Pascal Comelade, but his more serious work is reminiscent of Frédéric Chopin, Erik Satie, Philip Glass and Michael Nyman. Other famous tunes by Yann Tiersen: La Noyée, Comptine d'un autre été, Rue des Cascades, Le Banquet, a Quai, L laprès midi, La Valse d'Amelie, La Plage, La Dispute.
Опубликовано: 17 сент. 2014 г.‘Valse de la Fermeture Définitive’
Sad song composed by Jo Brunenberg inspired by the disappearance of small local shops in France. A sad accordion.
Une valse triste sur la disparition du petite commerce en France.
Akkordeonmusik. Musica francesa acordeon.
Sheet music: Free download at:
With a photographic documentary in 4K resolution.
Photographie – Fotografie – Fotografia – Photos – Fotos — фото
Photography and music composition by Jo Brunenberg. Played on Ottavianelli accordion with LIMEX Microphone Sound System. Live recording, august 2014.
In French towns and villages small specialized shops and family hotels are disappearing in a short timespan.
Many shop windows of traditional butchers, bakers, caterers, etc. are empty or even boarded up. The arrival of huge supermarkets and hotel chains is a major cause of this phenomenon and the current crisis only accelerates this unfortunate development.
This also eliminates the social function of small shops as a meeting place and also the craftsmanship often transferred from generation to generation gets lost.
Dans les villes et villages de France les petits commerçants et des hôtels de la famille sont en train de disparaître.
De nombreuses fenêtres de bouchers traditionnels, boulangers, traiteurs, etc. sont vides et parfois même barricadé. L'arrivée des grands supermarchés et les chaînes hôtelières est une cause majeure et la crise actuelle accélère cette évolution regrettable.
Cela élimine également la fonction sociale des petits commerces comme un lieu de rencontre et aussi le savoir-faire souvent hérité de génération à génération se perd.
In Franse steden en dorpen verdwijnen in hoog tempo de kleine winkeliers en hotels.
Veel etalages van ambachtelijke slagers, bakkers, traiteurs etc. zijn leeg en soms zelfs dichtgespijkerd. De komst van de grote supermarkten en hotelketens is een belangrijke oorzaak en de huidige crisis versnelt deze treurige ontwikkeling.
Hiermee verdwijnt ook de sociale functie als ontmoetingsplaats en het ambachtelijke vakmanschap dat vaak van generatie op generatie is overgedragen.
Musette Accordion Music Instrumental solo — El vals acordeon — French Accordion Music — Accordion waltz musette Frankreich — Accordeon muziek — Franse Accordeonmuziek — Musique a l'Accordéon Francais — Francesa musica acordeon instrumentala — Akordeon music — Akkordeon solo Valse Musette Walzer Französisch — valzer musette — musette TV — Accordeon solo — l'accordeón musique France — acordió — أكورديون عزف موسيقى فرنسية — harmonikka — harmonika instrumental — ακορντεόν — бая́н — Баян вальс — muzyka akordeon — akordeony — akordeonowe — akordeonie — ધમણવાળું વાદ્ય — cairdín — harmónikku — 아코디언 — akordeonas — akordeon müzikleri — Acordeones — tocando el acordeon — хармоника — 手風琴演奏 — アコーディオン — ակորդեոն — Вальс мюзетт аккордеона — баяне музыка — French Accordion song — Paris — Akkordeon Musik — musica fisarmonica valzer francese — fizarmonikë — música acordeão — harmonika — dragspelsmusik — dragspel — trekkspillmusikk — trekkspill — haitarimusiikkia — бая́н – Nederlandse Accordeonist- Accordionist — acordeonista — acordeoneros — аккордеонист — Walc Akordeon — аккордеон франция — Frankrijk — France — Nederland — Limburg
The Valse Musette is the best known type of French Accordion song.
The musette Accordion was especially popular in Paris in the early 20th century and remains to be popular in France ever since. Joseph Colombo worked together with famous accordionists and composers like Gus Viseur and Tony Murena et son ensemble. Joseph Colombo was author of many great musette waltzes, of course including 'Indifférence'. André Verschuren composed various songs that became famous like Style Musette.
Some famous interpreters of the Valse Musette are: Gus Viseur, André Verschuren, Emile Vacher, Albert Hennebel — Dany Moureaux etc.
I am a great admirer of Yann Tiersen (born 23 June 1970). Yann Tiersen is a French musician and composer. His music is recognized by its use of a large variety of instruments in relatively minimalist compositions, often with a touch of either European classical music or French folk music, using primarily the piano, accordion or violin together with instruments like the melodica, xylophone, toy piano, ondes martenot, harpsichord and typewriter. His musical style, particularly when using toy and folk instruments is similar to Penguin Cafe Orchestra and Pascal Comelade, but his more serious work is reminiscent of Frédéric Chopin, Erik Satie, Philip Glass and Michael Nyman. Other famous tunes by Yann Tiersen: La Noyée, Comptine d'un autre été, Rue des Cascades, Le Banquet, a Quai, L laprès midi, La Valse d'Amelie, La Plage, La Dispute.