French Accordion Musette Music Huib Hölzken Accordeon acordeon Victoria Jazz akordeon Limex MPR4
Опубликовано: 8 мар. 2015 г.Délit Musette, played by Huib Hölzken.
Composed by Christian Peschel and Sébastien Farge,
De Victoria Accordeon is voorzien van Limex MIDI MPR4. (Limex Center Wiegers).
MIDI programmering door Huib Hölzken.
Opgenomen in Weert, februari 2015.
Accordion Music — accordeonmuziek — Valse Musette Accordion playing — Waltz Musette 123 — Bal Musette — Akkordeon Musette Walzer — valzer musette — musette TV -musique accordeón — acordió — أكورديون — harmonikka — ακορντεόν — бая́н — ધમણવાળું વાદ્ય — cairdín — harmónikku — 아코디언 — akordeonas — Acordeones -хармоника — 手風琴演奏 — アコーディオン — ակորդեոն — Вальс мюзетт аккордеона — French Accordion song — Volksmusik Akkordeon Musik — Funnyfunny Crazy Accordion Song — Franse Accordeonmuziek — Akkordeonmusik — accordeonorkest acordeón música — musica fisarmonica valzer — FISARMONICA IMPAZZITA — fizarmonikë — francese -música acordeão — harmonika — dragspelsmusik — dragspel — trekkspillmusikk — trekkspill — haitarimusiikkia — бая́н — akordeony — Accordeonist — Accordion waltz — Accordionist — accordeonfestival — Accordion power players — ACORDEONEROS — acordeonista — аккордеонист — Akkordeonduo — аккордеон дуэт — akordeon müziği- Accordion duo — Accordeonduo — Akkordeonduo — duet — Accordion abuse — meneer Holzken — Nederland — LimburgThe Valse Musette is the best known type of French Accordion song.The musette Accordion was especially popular in Paris in the early 20th century and remains to be popular in France ever since. Some famous interpreters of the Valse Musette are: Gus Viseur, André Verschuren, Emile Vacher, Albert Hennebel — Dany Moureaux etc.Some famous musettes: Retour des Hirondelles — Indiférence — Perles de Musette — Sous le ciel de Paris — Bourrasque — Domino — Brise Napolitaine — Mademoiselle de Paris — Reine de Musette etc.From Wikipedia:La valse musette est une forme musette de la Valse. Comme toutes les formes musette, elle est plus simple, plus sensuelle et nécessite moins de place que le style original. Des concours avaient lieu où les couples tournaient sur un simple guéridon.La valse musette privilégie le tour à gauche, où les couples tournent dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre et où les partenaires doivent danser plus serrés. Il est bien connu que le tour à gauche est plus difficile que le tour à droite, car le couple doit tourner davantage.
Willy William is the voice and mind of “Ego”. The viral and worldwide phenomenon, moving fast to overcome 150 million views of the official video worldwide, Platinum Award in Italy (almost double Platinum), as well as the most shazamed French artist and song ever. Diplo, R3hab, Blasterjaxx, Felix Jaehn and many more are playing his music and asking for future collabs. Among the many appearences, Willy has been the international special guest at Sanremo Music Festival and The Voice of Albania.
Willy William is the voice and mind of “Ego”. The viral and worldwide phenomenon, moving fast to overcome 150 million views of the official video worldwide, Platinum Award in Italy (almost double Platinum), as well as the most shazamed French artist and song ever. Diplo, R3hab, Blasterjaxx, Felix Jaehn and many more are playing his music and asking for future collabs. Among the many appearences, Willy has been the international special guest at Sanremo Music Festival and The Voice of Albania. His new awaited single is “Qui tu es?”, from his first album “Une Seule Vie”. Summer has never been so close. Just after “allez allez allez” it’s time for “dis moi qui tu es?”! We are ready… Nous sommes prêts!