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Klingande - Jubel (Sunset Dance) -

Klingande — Jubel (Sunset Dance) — #ElectroSwingDance #RoboSwing — NEILAND

Опубликовано: 27 нояб. 2014 г.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Neilan...
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Neilandofficial
Webpage: https://www.neilandcreation.com

Relax and enjoy this beautiful sunset!
This video was shot 5 minutes after ''Faul & Wad Ad vs. Pnau — Changes''
This video was not planned. I had some great time during the sunset and video turned out pretty good so i decided to share my wonderful moment with you guys. I am thankful that i decided to record this amazing moment and now i can share it with others.


Klingande — Jubel
Cat Music SRL, SME

TO OWNERS & COPYRIGHT HOLDERS:NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. This CHANNEL CLAIMS NO RIGHTS OR OWNERSHIP over the contents posted. If you wish for a track to be removed contact me neilandcreation@gmail.com.
My only goal is to promote quality music.

Ed Sheeran - I See Fire (Kygo Remix)

Ed Sheeran — I See Fire (Kygo Remix)

Опубликовано: 18 мар. 2014 г.Powered by: http://routenote.com
Music Licensing for All Creators: https://synchedin.com

Download here: https://soundcloud.com/kygo/ed-sheera...

Freetones Playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/routeno...

Support us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Freeto...

Kygo really has something and its great to see him producing brilliant Ed Sheeran remixes. We had to post this even though it is a little old. Enjoy!

Support Kygo:

Image: http://wallbase.cc/wallpaper/2521616

Faul & Wad Ad vs Pnau - Changes (Cloning Myself) -

Faul & Wad Ad vs Pnau — Changes (Cloning Myself) — #RoboSwing #ElectroSwingDance — NEILAND

Опубликовано: 27 нояб. 2014 г.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Neilan...
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Neilandofficial
Webpage: https://www.neilandcreation.com

In this video i cloned myself to show two sides of me through dancing, where one side is my ego and the other one is my Authentic self.
This video is about becoming the best friend with yourself.
It is about becoming aware of your ego and realizing that it is not who we are, ego is what we think we should be.
To deal with ego we have to become aware of it and we have to reconnect ourselves back in the present moment where ego doesn't exist. It allows us to be who we are not who we think we should be.
Love and accept yourself 100%. Share your uniqueness with the world.
If you wanna make changes in this world you have to start with yourself.
Use ego, not become used by your ego.

Estonia, Väena — Jõesuu

Faul & Wad Ad vs. Pnau — Changes

TO OWNERS & COPYRIGHT HOLDERS:NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. This CHANNEL CLAIMS NO RIGHTS OR OWNERSHIP over the contents posted. If you wish for a track to be removed contact me neilandcreation@gmail.com.
PLEASE and it will be deleted immediately.I don't want my channel deleted.My only goal is to promote quality music.

JustSomeMotion (JSM) - The Multiple JSM

JustSomeMotion (JSM) — The Multiple JSM

Опубликовано: 9 июн. 2016 г.Hey Leute,
was tut man, wenn man in einer Gruppe tanzen will und keiner ist da? Na klar: Man multipliziert sich selbst und tanzt mit seinen Clon-Kumpels :) Viel Spaß!

Hey guys,
What do you do when you want to dance in a group and no one is around? You multiply and dance with your clone buddies, of course :) Check it out!

Music: Parov Stelar — The Phantom
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1GL2F5D
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JSM.JustSome...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JustSomeMotion
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jsm_justsomemotion

JustSomeMotion (JSM ) Tutorial #10 - Phase Shifting -

JustSomeMotion (JSM ) Tutorial #10 — Phase Shifting — #neoswing

Опубликовано: 10 сент. 2015 г.Hey Leute,
im zehnten und letzten Tutorial lernen wir das Phase Shifting. Diesmal tanze ich gemeinsam mit den Gewinnerinnen des Video-Contests: Die Tanz AG der Albrecht Dürer Schule Weiterstadt. Viel Spaß beim Nachtanzen!

Hi folks,
in the tenth and final Tutorial we learn the Phase Shifting. This time I dance together with the winners of the Video Compettion: The dance club of the Albrecht Dürer School Weiterstadt. Enjoy!

Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1GL2F5D
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JSM.JustSome
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JustSomeMotion
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jsm_justsomemotion

Song: Jamie Berry Feat. Octavia Rose – Delight

Bebo Best & The Super Lounge Orchestra - Sing Sing Sing (Dance Video) | Choreography | MihranTV

Bebo Best & The Super Lounge Orchestra — Sing Sing Sing (Dance Video) | Choreography | MihranTV

Опубликовано: 25 авг. 2017 г.Dance video for Bebo Best & The Super Lounge Orchestra's «Sing Sing Sing» — directed by Mihran Kirakosian and choreography by Stixx. The «Be Discovered» Summer in L.A. Super Star Intensive Video. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/MihranK

▶ New videos every WEDNESDAY + FRIDAY
▶ Sign-up for a class: http://mihrankclasses.com

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The Official Mihran Kirakosian YouTube Channel

JustSomeMotion bringt Deutschland in Bewegung.

JustSomeMotion bringt Deutschland in Bewegung.

Опубликовано: 1 окт. 2015 г.Der millionenfach geklickte Youtube-Star tanzt durch die Straßen Berlins und bringt die Passanten in Bewegung. Aber ist denn auch deren Geld in Bewegung? Trotz der andauernden Niedrigzinsphase haben sich bisher nur die wenigsten mit zeitgemäßen Möglichkeiten beschäftigt, um ihr Vermögen sinnvoll und gewinnbringend anzulegen. Es wird Zeit, dass Deutschland jetzt sein Geld in Bewegung bringt.