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Queen - Radio Ga Ga (Official Video)

Queen — Radio Ga Ga (Official Video)

Опубликовано: 1 авг. 2008 г.Taken from The Works, 1984.

Click here to buy the DVD with this video at the Official Queen Store:

The official 'Radio Ga Ga' music video. Taken from Queen — 'Greatest Video Hits 2'.

Subscribe to the official Queen channel Here https://Queen.lnk.to/Subscribe
Watch more: https://Queen.lnk.to/OfficialMusicVideos

About Queen:
Welcome to the official Queen channel. Subscribe today for exclusive Queen videos, including live shows, interviews, music videos & much more.

Connect with Queen Online:
Visit the official Queen Website: https://Queen.lnk.to/Official
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Queen — Radio Ga Ga (Official Video)

Queen - Don't Stop Me Now (Official Video)

Queen — Don't Stop Me Now (Official Video)

Опубликовано: 1 авг. 2008 г.Taken from Jazz, 1978 and Greatest Video Hits 1.

Click here to buy the DVD with this video at the Official Queen Store:

Subscribe to the official Queen channel Here https://Queen.lnk.to/Subscribe
Watch more: https://Queen.lnk.to/OfficialMusicVideos

About Queen:
Welcome to the official Queen channel. Subscribe today for exclusive Queen videos, including live shows, interviews, music videos & much more.

Connect with Queen Online:
Visit the official Queen Website: https://Queen.lnk.to/Official
Follow Queen on Instagram: https://Queen.lnk.to/Instagram
Like Queen on Facebook: https://Queen.lnk.to/Facebook
Follow Queen on Twitter: https://Queen.lnk.to/Twitter

Queen — Don't Stop Me Now (Official Video)

Three Incredible 80s Flash Mobs in Sleepy Seaside Town!

Three Incredible 80s Flash Mobs in Sleepy Seaside Town!

Опубликовано: 11 сент. 2018 г.Help us create awesome new flash mob content by becoming a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/clubmob, and get access to secret flash mob videos, behind the scenes footage, invites to join in and more...

Despite being a small group, we definitely got the energy up in Worthing on September 1st with our 3x surprise dance performances across the town! This video collates them all into one, look out for the scenery changes!

Wearing Pep & Co's new range, we took Saturday shoppers back to the 80s for the day… and can you tell… we had an absolute blast.

SUBSCRIBE for more unique surprises! And visit our site for more info about our fantastic teams on at www.whoisclubmob.co.uk.

Big thanks to Elite Promo UK (www.elitepromo.co.uk), Pep & Co Clothing (www.pepandco.com) and the amazing team at Awesome in Motion (www.awesomeinmotion.com) for fantastic filming and this brilliant edit.

Songs featured:
What A Feeling (Irene Cara)
I'm So Excited (The Pointer Sisters)
Vogue (Madonna)
Footloose (Footloose Soundtrack)
Walking on Sunshine (Katrina & The Waves)
Black or White (Michael Jackson)

Flashmob Samba Teaser - Festival des 25 ans de Samba Résille 24 et 25 juin 2017

Flashmob Samba Teaser — Festival des 25 ans de Samba Résille 24 et 25 juin 2017

Опубликовано: 23 июн. 2017 г.EDIT 20/03/2020 (En Français/In English/En Português): 9 million views! WOOHOO!

Merci à tous pour votre soutien / Thanks all for your support! / Obrigado pelo vosso apoio!


Notre association s'appelle Samba Résille, nous donnons des cours de batucada ( avec des rythmes brésiliens et d'ailleurs ) à tous — enfants, ados, adultes, personnes en situation de handicap, et tous ensemble.
Nous voulions faire un événement avec tout le monde pour annoncer nos 25 ans.
Sur cette vidéo nous jouons un rythme qu'on appelle Antillais, qui n'est pas brésilien, qui vient des carnavals antillais.

Quand j'ai upload cette vidéo sur ma chaîne, je ne pensais pas que cette vidéo deviendrait virale! Merci de suivre la chaîne officielle de Samba Résille ici :

Our association is called Samba Résille, we give samba drumming lessons (teaching Brazilian rhythms and from everywhere in the world) to all — children, teens, adults, people with disabilities, and all together.
We wanted to do a special event with everyone to announce our 25th anniversary.
In this video we play a rhythm called Antillais, which is not Brazilian, but comes from French West Indies carnivals.
When I uploaded this video to my channel, I didn’t think this video would go viral! Please follow the official channel of Samba Résille here:

A nossa associação chama-se Samba Résille, damos aulas de batucada ( com ritmos brasileiros e por aí adiante ) a todos — crianças, adolescentes, adultos, deficientes e todos juntos.
Queríamos fazer um evento com toda a gente para anunciar os nossos 25 anos.
Neste vídeo tocamos um ritmo que se chama Antillais, que não é brasileiro, que vem dos carnavals caribenhos daq Antilhas francesas.
Quando coloquei este vídeo no meu canal, não pensei que este vídeo se tornasse viral! Por favor, siga o canal oficial de Samba Résille aqui:


Flashmob batucada de Samba Résille pour annoncer le festival des 25 ans les 24 et 25 juin 2017 / 2017 — Flashmob Samba Band from Samba Résille (Toulouse, France) to advertise for our 25th birthday

Avec les musiciens :
* l'Ecole de Samba de Samba Résille (1ère années / 2ème années / compagnie)
* Les ateliers de Samba Résille (Pourquoi Pas Nous / Batucabraille / Batucafond / Batucada enfants / Batucada jeunes / Sambanautes (CNES) )
les capoeiristes de l'Ecole Capoeira Senzala de Toulouse
et la joyeuse équipe de comm': — captation vidéo / captation audio / flyers / tract

Merci à tous!
Réalisation vidéo: Stéphane LEPENANT / Grégory VALTER pour Samba Résille

ZUMBA Flashmob Stuttgart (Germany)

ZUMBA Flashmob Stuttgart (Germany)

Опубликовано: 25 апр. 2015 г.Zumba Power Flashmob 2015
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gingerfilm_...
twitter: https://goo.gl/sNED9X
internet: https://goo.gl/mPQUPi

Die Frau rechts im Bild ist super und eine der Leistungsträgerinnen in der Gruppe. Da Sie ganz außen getanzt hat, war es, aufgrund der verwendeten Optik, nicht möglich Sie mehr ins Bild zu nehmen. Wie im übrigen auch die anderen schlanken und molligen Damen. Das soll aber die Leistung der in der Mitte tanzenden Damen nicht schmälern. Hier kannst du die Frau rechts im Bild nochmals näher anschauen: https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sWZ7...

«Monster Winter» — Kerwin Du Bois Feat.Lil Rick

Boomerang (feat. Akon, Pitbull & Jermaine Dupri) — DJ Felli Fel

Que Suenen Los Tambores — Laritza Bacallao

Flash Mob Blues Brothers - Peschiera del Garda - ufficiale

Flash Mob Blues Brothers — Peschiera del Garda — ufficiale

Опубликовано: 5 июл. 2014 г.Flash mob Peter Gunn dei Blues Brothers ufficiale eseguito da 6 bande musicali a Peschiera del Garda (Verona) Italy l'8 giugno 2014.

realizzazione video Mario Piavoli — immagini di Gianmaria Pontiroli, Graziano Menegazzo, Giuseppe Marcoli, Gino Giacomini — produzione zefirofilm

Flash Peter Gunn dei Blues Brothers, performed by 6 bands in the European country Italy to Peschiera del Garda in the province of Verona city Unesco in a changeable weather.

Summer Splash Bikini Flashmob // 11.11.2015 Stephansplatz

Summer Splash Bikini Flashmob // 11.11.2015 Stephansplatz

Опубликовано: 30 нояб. 2015 г.Summer Splash & die Dance-Industry brachten am 11.11.2015 den Sommer zurück nach Österreich.

Ein sensationeller Bikini- Flashmob am Stephansplatz sorgte für erstaunte Gesichter & großes Aufsehen. Die Tänzer & Tänzerinnen von Dance-Industry gaben bei Minusgraden ihr Bestes, ganz nach dem Motto: «Summer Splash ist Immer & Überall!»

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