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T-ARA - Roly Poly, 티아라 - 롤리폴리, Beautiful Concert 20120821

T-ARA — Roly Poly, 티아라 — 롤리폴리, Beautiful Concert 20120821

Опубликовано: 11 окт. 2012 г.☞ Did you enjoy this video? Plz click «like»!

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공식 홈페이지 http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/icon/
방송시간 Tue 오후 05:00~
T-ARA — Roly Poly, 티아라 — 롤리폴리, Beautiful Concert(아름다운 콘서트), EP84, 2012/08/21, MBC TV, Republic of Korea

IU(아이유) _ YOU&I(너랑나) MV

IU(아이유) _ YOU&I(너랑나) MV

Опубликовано: 28 нояб. 2011 г.[ ♬ Download ]
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/last...
Melon: http://www.melon.com/cds/album/web/al...

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IU's new album 'Last Fantasy' is the first full album in 2 years since her first album 'Growing Up', produced by Cho Young-Chul who gave birth to the «IU syndrome» last year.

The title song «You and I» is a work by composer Lee Min-Soo and lyricist Kim Ee-Na of «Good Day» with a somewhat mystic and peculiar concept of a teenage girl traveling through time to go into the future. Switching to and from the minor and major keys, the arrangement is noteworthy for its diverse and fantasy-like atmosphere using real sounds from instruments that are rarely used in K-pop, such as the harp and horn, and listeners may also come across IU's more colorful vocal expressions.

In the music video for «You and I», a girl travels in a time machine to meet her future boyfriend. The 19 year old IU lives with Hyunwoo — a boy who has fallen into deep sleep — in a workshop inside a clock tower inherited by her grandfather. IU does not leave his side and while waiting for him to wake up, decides to make a time machine to go meet him. Finally, the long-awaited moment arrives and she leaves for her time travel both afraid yet excited about meeting Hyunwoo but the two miss each other as Hyunwoo wakes up the moment he reaches age 20.
One can enjoy the minute details of the space within the huge clock tower where cogwheels are turning, including the vintage feel of the workshop and the fairytale-like story with the male protagonist waking up from his sleep when he reaches 20 as well as a time machine to travel into the future.

アイユ(IU)_ ノランナ(あなたと私/YOU&I)
アイユのニューアルバム[Last Fantasy]は、1stアルバム[Growing up]から2年ぶりの正規アルバムだ。今回のアルバムは昨年[アイユ・シンドローム]を誕生させたチョ・ヨンチョル・プロデューサーが総括プロデューシングを引き受けた。

正規2ndアルバムのタイトル曲 [あなたと私]は、[良い日] を誕生させたイ・ミンス作曲家とキム・イナ作詞家の合同作品で、アイユのボーカルの魅力が引き立つ曲だ。10代の少女が遠い未来へと時間の旅に出るという神秘的で奇妙なコンセプトを持っている。マイナーとメジャーコードを行き来する構成でハープ、ホルンなど歌謡ではなかなか見られない楽器を使用したリアルサウンドのバラエティーでファンタジーな感じを伝える編曲が目立つ。またアイユの多彩なボーカルの表現も見所である。

[あなたと私]のミュージックビデオは、一人の少女がタイムマシンに乗って時空の旅をしながら未来の彼氏に会いに行くという話を盛り込んでいる。時計塔の中、おじいちゃんから譲ってもらった工房で暮らしている19歳の少女アイユは、時間が止まったかのように深い眠りに落ちている一人の男、ヒョヌと一緒に工房で過ごす。 アイユはヒョヌのそばを離れずに彼が目覚めるのを待ちながらタイムマシンを作って彼に会いに行く決心をする。とうとう待ちに待った時が来る。怖いけどヒョヌに会えるという期待を抱いて時間の旅に出る。しかし20歳になったヒョヌが目覚めて二人はすれ違ってしまう。

아이유의 새 앨범 'Last Fantasy'는 1집 'Growing up' 이후 2년 만에 선보이는 정규앨범으로, 이번 앨범은 지난 해 '아이유 신드롬'을 탄생시켰던 조영철 프로듀서가 총괄 프로듀싱을 맡았다.

정규 2집의 타이틀곡인 '너랑 나'는 '좋은 날'을 탄생시켰던 이민수 작곡가-김이나 작사가의 합작품으로, 아이유의 보컬의 매력 나타나는 곡으로, 10대 소녀가 시간 여행을 떠나 먼 미래를 만나고 온다는 신비롭고 기묘한 컨셉을 가지고 있다. 마이너와 메이저 코드를 넘나드는 구성으로 하프, 호른 등 가요에서 거의 찾아보기 힘든 악기를 사용한 리얼 사운드의 버라이어티하고 판타지스러운 느낌을 전하는 편곡이 돋보이며, 아이유의 다양해진 보컬 표현력을 만나볼 수 있다.

Girls' Generation 少女時代 'PAPARAZZI' MV

Girls' Generation 少女時代 'PAPARAZZI' MV

Опубликовано: 14 июн. 2012 г.♬ Download on iTunes: Coming Soon

☞ 少女時代official HP: http://www.girls-generation.jp/
☞ UNIVERSAL HP: http://www.girls-generation.jp/
☞ Official Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/girlsgenerati...

♬ GIRLS' GENERATION 少女時代_PAPARAZZI_Music Video ℗ S.M.Entertainment

[MV] AOA _ Heart Attack(심쿵해)

[MV] AOA _ Heart Attack(심쿵해)

Опубликовано: 6 сент. 2017 г.[MV] AOA _ Heart Attack(심쿵해)

*English subtitles are now available.
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T-ARA(티아라) _ Sexy Love (Dance Ver. MV)

T-ARA(티아라) _ Sexy Love (Dance Ver. MV)

Опубликовано: 2 сент. 2012 г.T-ARA(티아라) _ Sexy Love (Dance Ver. MV)

*English subtitles are now available. :D
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T-ARA comes back with a whole new song called SEXY LOVE, after finishing up their previous song DAY BY DAY. The song contains an addictive melody line and amazing synth sound. They worked again with Kyu-sung Choi and Shinsa dong Tiger, who has produced T-ARA's previous songs such as BO PEEP BO PEEP, ROLY-POLY, AND LOVEY-DOVEY.
The new song has the choreography which reminds people of a robot, and this dance will able T-ARA continue on with their popularity after the LOVEY-DOVEY's shuffle dance.
Also, just like DAY BY DAY, SEXY LOVE2 will also come out with a dramatized manner.
T-ARA's REPACKAGE album, with seven songs including the ballad 'Night and Day' will be on sale from September 4th.

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「DAY BY DAY」で成熟した姿を披露したティアラが180度違った魅力の「SEXY LOVE」で戻ってくる。感覚的なシンセサウンドと中毒性のあるメロディーライン、トレンディな編曲が引き立つ「SEXY LOVE」は、「BO PEEP BO PEEP」、「ROLY-POLY」、「LOVEY-DOVEY」で着実に呼吸を合わせてきた作曲家シンサドンホレンイとチェ・ギュソンの作品だ。ロボットを連想させるポイント振付けで、「LOVEY-DOVEY」のシャッフルダンスに続くロボットダンスのブームを引き起こす見込みだ。

また、映画のような映像美で多くの話題を呼んで来た「DAY BY DAY1」に続いて、ドラマタイズ形式のミュージックビデオ「SEXY LOVE2」も披露する。バラード「昼と夜」を含めて全7曲が収録されているティアラのREPAKGEアルバムは9月4日リリースされる。

DAY BY DAY로 성숙한 모습을 선보였던 티아라가 180도 다른 매력의 SEXY LOVE로 돌아온다. 감각적인 신스사운드와 중독성 있는 멜로디라인, 트렌디한 편곡이 돋보이는 이번 곡은 BO PEEP BO PEEP, ROLY-POLY, LOVEY-DOVEY로 꾸준히 호흡을 맞춰온 작곡가 신사동호랭이와 최규성의 작품이다. 로봇을 연상시키는 포인트 안무가 더해져 LOVEY-DOVEY의 셔플댄스에 이은 로봇댄스 열풍으로 몰아갈 예정.

또한 영화와 같은 영상미로 숱한 화제를 몰고온 DAY BY DAY 1편에 이은 드라마타이즈 형식의 뮤직비디오 SEXY LOVE 2편도 만나 볼 수 있다. 발라드 '낮과 밤'을 비롯하여 총 7곡이 수록된 티아라 REPAKGE 앨범은 9월 4일 발매된다.