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Опубликовано: 12 дек. 2018 г.Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Roar · Katy Perry


℗ 2013 Capitol Records, LLC

Released on: 2013-01-01

Producer, Programmer: Dr. Luke
Producer, Programmer: Max Martin
Producer, Programmer: Cirkut
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Clint Gibbs
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Peter Carlsson
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Sam Holland
Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Michael Ilbert
Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Rachael Findlen
Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Justin Fox
Studio Personnel, Asst. Recording Engineer: Elliot Lanam
Studio Personnel, Mix Engineer: Serban Ghenea — Remixer
Studio Personnel, Additional Mixer: John Hanes
Studio Personnel, Mastering Engineer: Chris Gehringer
Studio Personnel, Production Coordinator: Irene Richter
Associated Performer, Vocals: Katy Perry
Composer Lyricist: Katy Perry
Composer Lyricist: Lukasz Gottwald
Composer Lyricist: Max Martin
Composer Lyricist: Bonnie McKee
Composer Lyricist: Henry Walter

Auto-generated by YouTube.

Addy's wish to be...a pop star in her own music video!

Addy's wish to be...a pop star in her own music video!

Опубликовано: 5 мая 2014 г.MUSIC VIDEO WORLD PREMIERE! Watch five-year-old wish kid Addy's wish to be a pop star performing her favorite song ROAR by Katy Perry.

Wish kid Addy is like many little girls her age. She loves cotton candy, chocolate chip ice cream, sparkles, rainbows, reading and coloring, particularly with pink and purple. Unlike many little girls, however, Addy was diagnosed at age four with stage IV cancer. During her long hospital visits, chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Addy would spend hours drawing and, when she felt up for it, practicing her singing and dancing. Addy took inspiration from an array of performances by her favorite musicians on YouTube. When she learned she would be granted a wish by Make-A-Wish® Mid-Atlantic-- she asked to be a pop star performing ROAR by Katy Perry (her favorite artist). Inspired by the lyrics to ROAR, Addy fought and beat cancer, celebrating her victory with her wish come true — this incredible music video. #addyroar

Want to know more about her story and journey to make this video? Check out her official Behind the Scenes video! #addyroar https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuNEO...

Special thanks to Blue Sky Films for production services. http://www.blueskyfilms.com/

Also, thank you to Omega Records for their assistance with the vocal track. http://www.omegastudios.com/

Additional thanks for GIGS for providing Addy's vocal lessons in preparation for her video. http://www.gigsstudio.com

Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.

Katy Perry - Roar : Part 2 (Official Cover by 10 year-old Mariangeli from HitStreak)

Katy Perry — Roar: Part 2 (Official Cover by 10 year-old Mariangeli from HitStreak)

Опубликовано: 6 окт. 2013 г.KATY PERRY LYRICS


I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
So I sat quietly, agreed politely
I guess that I forgot I had a choice
I let you push me past the breaking point
I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything

You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, you hear that sound
Like thunder gonna shake the ground
You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
Get ready cause I've had enough
I see it all, I see it now

I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me roar

Now I'm floating like a butterfly
Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes
I went from zero, to my own hero

You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, you hear that sound
Like thunder gonna shake the ground
You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
Get ready 'cause I've had enough
I see it all, I see it now

I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You'll hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me roar...

Ro-oar, ro-oar, ro-oar, ro-oar, ro-oar

I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You'll hear me roar
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me roar…

FROZEN | Let It Go from Disney's FROZEN - performed by Idina Menzel | Official Disney UK

FROZEN | Let It Go from Disney's FROZEN — performed by Idina Menzel | Official Disney UK

Опубликовано: 11 дек. 2013 г.Broadway star Idina Menzel performs «Let It Go» in this full sequence from Disney's Frozen.

Buy the soundtrack here:
Amazon — http://po.st/JYuVWf
iTunes — http://po.st/GtBFzg
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«Frozen» features eight original songs from songwriting duo Kristen and Robert Lopez («The Book of Mormon,» «Avenue Q»), including the gripping «Let It Go,» Elsa's self-defining anthem. "'Let It Go' makes such an intense commitment to the emotional journey of the character," says Kristen. «We asked ourselves what it must be like for Elsa to have to completely let everything in her past go in order to be herself and let her power soar.»

«Let It Go» was the first song that the filmmaking team embraced. «That was our lynchpin,» says Robert. «We wanted to write the biggest, beltiest diva number we could channel because we knew we had Idina Menzel—who just knocks it out of the park—and we knew her character Elsa was experiencing something epic in her life.»

The song resonated with filmmakers—so well, in fact, that it made them rethink scenes leading up to the moment. "'Let It Go' was the first song that we all knew belonged in the film because it helped shape Elsa's character," said director Jennifer Lee. «It delivers such a poignant and powerful message about how she's feeling that we needed to back up and earn that song—to show how she finds herself in that place at that time.»

Idina Menzel brought warmth and likability to what might otherwise have been a cold character—by definition. «Idina has a sense of vulnerability in her voice,» says Director Chris Buck. «She plays a very strong character, but someone who lives in fear—so we needed someone who could portray both sides of the character, and Idina was just amazing.»

Menzel says she finds her character unique. «Elsa is the Snow Queen; she could easily be perceived as a villain, but that's not who she is. She's extremely complicated and misunderstood. She actually banishes herself from her home to avoid hurting others, and in return, she finds the liberation to celebrate who she is.»

The celebration is marked by the song «Let It Go,» and the character undergoes a profound transformation—inside and out. «Before 'Let It Go,'» says character design supervisor Bill Schwab, «Elsa is really buttoned up, her hair is up—everything is perfect. During the song, she gives herself permission to be who she is and everything changes—her hair is more wild, her gown is magical. She's finally free—even if she is all alone.»

Frozen is available on Digital HD & 3D and Blu-ray, DVD & On-Demand in the UK with never-before-seen bonus extras to complement the film's gorgeous animation, memorable characters and unforgettable music.

The Disney UK YouTube channel brings you a wealth of official video content from all the Disney movies and characters you know and love. Do you want to learn more about your favourite Disney and Pixar movies? Subscribe to our channel to watch the latest trailers and clips, you'll be the first to see features for current and upcoming Walt Disney Studios Films and even get to watch exclusive interviews with the stars. Dig into our back catalogue for great Disney videos from classic animations through to modern day Disney & Pixar classics such as Frozen and Inside Out.

Elsa Frozen I & II Song Medley [Disney Store 17” Doll Collection]

Elsa Frozen I & II Song Medley [Disney Store 17” Doll Collection]

Опубликовано: 22 дек. 2019 г.This video features #Disney Store 17" Inch dolls depicting the evolution of #Elsa's look and style from her 2019 Frozen II adventure dress back to her regal princess dress from the original movie.

Check out an updated version featuring the 2020 release of Elsa as the Snow Queen:


Songs include:
«Into the Unknown» (Frozen II)
«When We're Together» (Olaf's Frozen Adventure)
«Making Today a Perfect Day» (Frozen Fever)
«Let it Go» (#Frozen)

Dolls Featured:
Frozen II Adventure Dress
Olaf's Frozen Adventure Gown
Frozen Fever Gown
Frozen Snow Queen Singing Doll
Frozen Coronation Gown
Frozen Regal Dress

*Side Note: This was the first video edited on this channel using Lumafusion for iPad Pro.

Queen Elsa and Queen Anna Frozen 2 [ Exclusive ]

Queen Elsa and Queen Anna Frozen 2 [ Exclusive ]

Опубликовано: 18 апр. 2020 г.In the original movie, queen Elsa didnt appear in her sister's CORONATION, maybe because of the time duration that the production has to cut, so I decided to make Queen Elsa and Queen Anna — at the same time, Queen Elsa joins Queen Anna Coronation day :D
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#QueenAnnaCoronation #QueenElsa #Frozen2

Katarzyna Popowska - Nowe dni (z filmu „Zaplątani”/Ścieżka dźwiękowa polskiej wersji)

Katarzyna Popowska — Nowe dni (z filmu „Zaplątani”/Ścieżka dźwiękowa polskiej wersji)

Опубликовано: 24 авг. 2017 г.„NOWE DNI" — KATARZYNA POPOWSKA

Znacie Roszpunkę. Dziewczyna ma wiele domowych obowiązków. Dużo czasu poświęca również na swoje liczne pasje, które powoli przestają się mieścić w ciasnej wieży. Złotowłosa czeka na życiowe zmiany. Ale czy one w ogóle nadejdą? I kiedy? Przypominamy filmową piosenkę w wykonaniu Katarzyny Popowskiej.

Już od 25 września w Disney Channel nowy serial animowany pt. „Zaplątani: serial". W głównych rolach: Julia Kamińska i Maciej Stuhr. Zapraszamy od poniedziałku do piątku o godzinie 18:00!

W serialu nie zabraknie nowych piosenek. Pierwszą z nich będzie można posłuchać już 15 września!

Zobaczcie zwiastuny serialu:

To dopiero początek słodkiego, długiego życia Roszpunki i Julka. Gdy Roszpunka wraca do rodziców i królestwa, zdaje sobie sprawę z tego, że musi dowiedzieć się więcej o świecie i samej sobie, nim zostanie Księżniczką. Z pomocą Julka oraz swojej służki i przyjaciółki – Kasandry, przeżyje nową przygodę, dzięki której jej życie będzie jeszcze bardziej zaplątane!

Music video by Katarzyna Popowska performing Nowe dni. © 2010 Walt Disney Records

#DisneyPolska #NoweDni #Vevo