
Интернетов ВВВ

Paolo Soprani Musette Accordion

Paolo Soprani Musette Accordion

Опубликовано: 18 июн. 2013 г.Albert Iaboni playing around on a Paolo Soprani musette accordion.

Albert is available to play the accordion, keyboard, piano or church organ at a variety of events in the Great Toronto Area. You can contact him through email at albert7@sympatico.ca or phone him at 416-630-5491.

Musical Instruments of Canada
1608 Eglinton Ave. West
Toronto, Ontario
M6E 2G8
Tel: 416.783.4448

QUE SERA SERA ' whatever-will be-will be--valse musette accordeon.jean claude898

QUE SERA SERA ' whatever-will be-will be--valse musette accordeon.jean claude898

Опубликовано: 5 мар. 2012 г.WHATEVER WILL BE-WILL BE--que sera sera valse musette .rythmic bk7 orgue bk7 .accordeon gem --PENSER A VOUS ABONNER MERCI ---jean claude joueur d accordéon midi musette amateur

French Accordion music Valse Musette Duo HuuBér Huib Hölzken Limex MIDI MPR4 Victoria

French Accordion music Valse Musette Duo HuuBér Huib Hölzken Limex MIDI MPR4 Victoria

Опубликовано: 8 мая 2013 г.Duo HuuBér: Bér Donkers & Huib Hölzken.
HuuBér speelt een musette waltz improvisatie.
De Victoria Accordions zijn voorzien van Limex MIDI MPR4. Limex Center Wiegers
Alle MIDI programmering door Huib Hölzken.
Opgenomen op 2 Mei 2013 te Weert.

Accordion Music — accordeonmuziek — Valse Musette Accordion playing — Waltz Musette 123 — Bal Musette — Akkordeon Musette Walzer — valzer musette — musette TV -musique accordeón — acordió — أكورديون — harmonikka — ακορντεόν — бая́н — ધમણવાળું વાદ્ય — cairdín — harmónikku — 아코디언 — akordeonas — Acordeones -хармоника — 手風琴演奏 — アコーディオン — ակորդեոն — Вальс мюзетт аккордеона — French Accordion song — Volksmusik Akkordeon Musik — Funnyfunny Crazy Accordion Song — Franse Accordeonmuziek — Akkordeonmusik — accordeonorkest acordeón música — musica fisarmonica valzer — FISARMONICA IMPAZZITA — fizarmonikë — francese -música acordeão — harmonika — dragspelsmusik — dragspel — trekkspillmusikk — trekkspill — haitarimusiikkia — бая́н — akordeony — Accordeonist — Accordion waltz — Accordionist — accordeonfestival — Accordion power players — ACORDEONEROS — acordeonista — аккордеонист — Akkordeonduo — аккордеон дуэт — akordeon müziği- Accordion duo — Accordeonduo — Akkordeonduo — duet — Accordion abuse — meneer Holzken — Nederland — Limburg

The Valse Musette is the best known type of French Accordion song.
The musette Accordion was especially popular in Paris in the early 20th century and remains to be popular in France ever since.

Some famous interpreters of the Valse Musette are: Gus Viseur, André Verschuren, Emile Vacher, Albert Hennebel — Dany Moureaux etc.
Some famous musettes: Retour des Hirondelles — Indiférence — Perles de Musette — Sous le ciel de Paris — Bourrasque — Domino — Brise Napolitaine — Mademoiselle de Paris — Reine de Musette etc.

From Wikipedia:
La valse musette est une forme musette de la Valse. Comme toutes les formes musette, elle est plus simple, plus sensuelle et nécessite moins de place que le style original. Des concours avaient lieu où les couples tournaient sur un simple guéridon.
La valse musette privilégie le tour à gauche, où les couples tournent dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre et où les partenaires doivent danser plus serrés. Il est bien connu que le tour à gauche est plus difficile que le tour à droite, car le couple doit tourner davantage.

Reine de Musette - Accordion Teacher Patricia Bartell

Reine de Musette — Accordion Teacher Patricia Bartell

Опубликовано: 3 мая 2012 г.https://accordionlife.com Accordion Lessons!
Born in La Paz, Bolivia, Patricia Bartell lived her first nearly five years in an orphanage before being adopted by a family in Montana. She is a graduate of Whitworth University with an accordion performance degree.

She founded and produced https://accordionlife.com to help more learn how to play the accordion!

Topsy - Quartet swing et jazz manouche avec accordéon

Topsy — Quartet swing et jazz manouche avec accordéon

Опубликовано: 9 мар. 2015 г.http://www.jazz-manouche.clementrebou...

Topsy — Quartet jazz manouche avec accordéoniste pour vos mariages et événements

Groupe jazz manouche musette guinguette avec accordéon pour vos mariages.
Ensemble de musiciens pro pour tous vos événements: anniversaires, vin d'honneur, entreprises, mariages, cocktails, hôtels, concerts, animations, soirées...

Découvrez les formules d'orchestres à la carte. Du duo au sextet, guitare, contrebasse, violon, accordéon, clarinette ou chanteuse.
Notre répertoire très large s'adaptera parfaitement à tous vos événements: swing, valse, chanson française, boléro, jazz, swing manouche, pop et bien plus encore...

Demandez un devis gratuit sur le site internet:

Accordéon: Fred Gomes
Guitares: Clément Reboul et Aurélien Robert
Contrebasse: Ghali Hadefi

Page facebook:

CD disponible sur cette page:


Captation son/vidéo et montage:
Clément Reboul



Geupload op 21 februari 2013
Played on accordion by kabouter Huib Holzken on Beltuna piano accordion with Limex MIDI mpr4. Netherlands. Limex Center Wiegers
Februari 21 2013
Huib Hölzken played 3 songs from Slavko Avsenik: ich hör so gern harmonica — trompetenecho — auf der autobahn. Gnome Huib.

Accordion Music — accordeonmuziek — Akkordeon — Akkordion — musique accordeón — acordió — أكورديون — harmonikka — ακορντεόν — ધમણવાળું વાદ્ય — cairdín — harmónikku — 아코디언 — akordeonas — хармоника — 手風琴 — ակորդեոն — аккордеон польку — бая́н — Akkordeon Musik- acordeón música- musica fisarmonica — FISARMONICA IMPAZZITA — fizarmonikë — música acordeão — haitarimusiikista — harmonika — bayan — dragspelsmusik — dragspel trekkspillmusikk — trekkspill — бая́н — Accordeonist- Accordionist — Accordion player- acordeonista — аккордеонист — Funny Accordion Song — Bayerisch — oberkrainer -oberkrainer polka — аккор- деон дуэт — akordeon müziği — аккордеона дуэт — meneer Holzken — Nederland

Polka Accordion Dance

Played on accordion by kabouter Huib Holzken on Beltuna piano accordion with Limex MIDI mpr4. Netherlands
Februari 21 2013
Huib Hölzken played 3 songs from Slavko Avsenik: ich hör so gern harmonica — trompetenecho — auf der autobahn.
Bayrische, Egerländer, Tiroler and Bohemian polkas are famous in south Germany, Austria, Poland and Tsjechoslowakia. Also in the USA the polka is popular with composers Frankie Yankovic.

Beltuna Accordion
LIMEX Accordeon Akkordeon Microphone Sound System
Limex Johan Wiegers

The polka is a lively Central European dance and also a genre of dance music familiar throughout Europe and the Americas. It originated in the middle of the 19th century in the Czech lands derived from the sounds of traditional farm equipment and is still a common genre in Lithuanian, Czech, Croatian, Slovenian, Polish, German, Hungarian, Austrian, Italian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian, and Slovakian folk music. Versions are also found in the Nordic countries, the British Isles, The United States, and Latin America, especially Mexico.
In light classical music, many polkas were composed by both Johann Strauss I and his son Johann Strauss II; a couple of well-known ones were composed by Bedřich Smetana, and Jaromír Vejvoda, the author of "Škoda lásky" («Roll Out the Barrel»).
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Polka is a type of dance, and also a genre of dance music. It originated in the middle of the 19th century in Bohemia, and is still a common genre of Czech, Polish and Slovenian folk music; it is common both in Europe and in the Americas. In classical music, many polkas were composed by both Johann Strauss I and his son Johann Strauss II; a couple of well-known ones were composed by Bedřich Smetana and Jaromír Vejvoda, the author of Škoda lásky («Roll Out the Barrel»).

The name comes from German word Polka, meaning «Bohemian Dance» which comes from the Czech word polka, also meaning «Bohemian dance», which itself is lent from the Polish polka, literally meaning «Polish woman», fem. of Polak. The word may also be an German-originating alteration of Czech pulka, meaning «half.» Due to its name it is often mistakenly attributed to Poland. It should also not be confused with the polska, a Swedish 3/4-beat (help·info) dance with Polish roots; cf. polka-mazurka. A related dance is the redowa. Polkas have a 4/4 time signature.
Some famous polkas are:
Anna Polka
Bayerisch Kraut Polka
Beer Barrel Polka
Helena Polka
La Trittera Polka
Polka Romagnola
La Motozappa Polka
'Skoda Lasky'
Bayrische and Böhmische polka are famous in south Germany and Tsjechoslowakia.
Balkan dance volksmusik oberkrainer
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