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Balti - Ya Lili feat. Hamouda - Piano Tutorial

Balti — Ya Lili feat. Hamouda — Piano Tutorial

Опубликовано: 11 апр. 2018 г.Bu ve başka müziklerin Notaları için… — EĞİTİMİ SATIN ALMAK İÇİN TIKLAYIN ► https://www.udemy.com/course/piano-by...

▶Orijinal video — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJHPp...

▶ Kanal 2 — Hint müzikleri — http://bit.ly/2y6a2IE

Vay Delikanlı Gönlüm — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwF0d...

Ölürüm TÜRKİYEM — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEBh2...

Sen Olsan Bari — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCnct...

Söz — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWLbF...

Omuzumda ağlayan bir sen-Piano by VN -https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnLB9...

Aglatan dans — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW_9d...

Tarkan — Yolla — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=336EC...

Icerde — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbuL9...

Kara Sevda — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8Y3m...

Dr. Dre — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rELww...

Diriliş «Ertuğrul» — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOoku...

Gece Gölgenin Rahatına Bak — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6Tdi...

Cevapsız Çınlama — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tITtR...

Videolardan memnun kaldiysaniz Abune olmagi unutmayin…


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Facebook http://bit.ly/2nl8NNZ

Twitter http://bit.ly/2lSGoll

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Iletisim: Netd.piano@mail.ru


Waka Waka / Shakira / Piano Tutorial

Waka Waka / Shakira / Piano Tutorial

Опубликовано: 26 июн. 2018 г.▶Guitarra Tutorial → https://goo.gl/RVdDcE
▶Partitura → https://youtu.be/Kmonn2vLmRU
▶Aprende Piano → https://youtu.be/A3nexs1TBtw
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TONES AND I - DANCE MONKEY - EASY Piano Tutorial by PlutaX

TONES AND I — DANCE MONKEY — EASY Piano Tutorial by PlutaX

Опубликовано: 4 окт. 2019 г.Sheet Music: https://www.musicnotes.com/l/2lgWw
Learn piano songs like this with flowkey: http://tinyurl.com/peter-flowkey
Download Simply Piano for FREE: http://m.onelink.me/642bb14b

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Balti - Ya Lili feat. Hamouda KARAOKE & Piyano (Herkesin Dilindeki o Arapça Şarkı)

Balti — Ya Lili feat. Hamouda KARAOKE & Piyano (Herkesin Dilindeki o Arapça Şarkı)

Опубликовано: 22 апр. 2018 г.Balti — Ya Lili feat. Hamouda karaoke ve piyano notaları… Herkesin Dilindeki o Arapça Şarkı.

Yeni çıkan Arapça müzik piyano dersleri Arapça hareketli şarkılar listesi Ya Lili ile başlıyor.

İsteklerinizi yorum kısmına yazabilirsiniz.

Bu kanalda her gün en sevilen şarkıları piyano ile çalıp hem piyano cover'larını seven dinleyicilere, hem de piyano, klavye, melodika çalan kişilere yönelik videolar hazırlıyoruz. Piyano dersleri ve enstrümantal müzik dinleme keyfinin devam etmesini istiyorsanız lütfen abone olun.

Piyano ile Çalınan Şarkılar:

Hazırladığımız tüm videoların olduğu «Piyano ile Nasıl Çalınır» çalma listesi:



Piyano ile Çalınan Türküler çalma listesi:



«Dizi Müzikleri» çalma listesi:


Videomuz hakkındaki düşüncelerinizi ve YENİ ŞARKI İSTEKLERİNİZİ yorum kısmında paylaşın, hemen hazırlayalım!


Ya Lili lyrics (sözleri)

ya lily, waya layla
wash bash nushkilik ymma
waqaluli la la
saghir w fi qalbi ghmm
nahib natir wanatir alfawq
yhbbw yaqsuli janahiun
waliadak rani makhnuq
wamink talab samahi

[almuqtae al'awal: blty]

alhumat klha mwhlat, duq duq duq
klha tashuf aldunya kahala
suhraan qahila (shra' qahila), duq duq duq
bash tashuf aldunya 'ahlaa
walhumat mufhala (walhwmt mfhl), duq duq duq
tstnna fi easal alnahla
siburat kahla (sburat kahala)
hazna alttyar waramanaan fi eiqab alrihla
yah dayie bayn lihuyut wama lqitsh bilasa
hawmatan bayn bilad alrahut
ymma khllwny bialshaykhat masamut
w hwkamna srraqt walkirasi bialhubut
yah nahb nashid alrawt wanuqalib almunazir
nqlib wajhi min huna ya mma
ma nahib naeish alhayat bialmut
nwfaa kyma wld aljarat bialshaykhat tublaa

ya lily, waya layla
wash bash nushkilik ymma
waqaluli la la
saghir w fi qalbi ghmm
nahib natir wanatir alfawq
yhbbw yaqsuli janahiun
waliadak rani makhnuq
wamink talab samahi

ryws alrajalat mayila (mayl)
razanat bialtakhammam w bialshaykhat al'amkhakh mubila
walad alhumat aashwatin muqila
alsharu fi aleaynayni, bialkhayr mahish mustafayla
yuhibuu yaswuquna kayf alzaayila
w marbut fi zaribat w khutut alssaqin mukila
yahbuk brry ma eindkshi eayila
neyshw fi sistam hkmwh walad almthylt yah
yhbuk ghayb ean alwujud
sakat ealaa haqak w rady blly yhbwh mawjud ymma
tajri w makish khalit ealaa alqut
ash khlla walad alhumat ڨtte ڨtte min alhudud yah
sayd fi qafsik marbut
w aldabe msyb w zayd klalk eashak ymma
yuhbuk qaeid fi zunqat marfud
w almustaqbal tashuf fih mteddy bihadhak

ya lily, waya layla
wash bash nushkilik ymma
waqaluli la la
saghir w fi qalbi ghmm
nahib natir wanatir alfawq
yhbbw yaqsuli janahiun
waliadak rani makhnuq
wamink talab samahi

ya lily, waya layla
wash bash nushkilik ymma
waqaluli la la
saghir w fi qalbi ghmm
nahib natir wanatir alfawq
yhbbw yaqsuli janahiun
waliadak rani makhnuq
wamink talab samahi

[اللازمة: حمودة]
يا ليلي، ويا ليلة
واش باش نشكيلك يمّا
وقالولي لا لا
صغير و في قلبي غمّة
نحب نطير ونطير الفوق
يحبّو يقصولي جناحي
وليدك راني مخنوق
ومنك طالب سماحي

[المقطع الأول: بلطي]
الحومة كلها موحلة، دوق دوق دوق
كلها تشوف الدنيا كحلة
صحرا قاحلة (صحراء قاحلة)، دوق دوق دوق
باش تشوف الدنيا أحلى
والحومة مفحلة (والحومة مفحلة)، دوق دوق دوق
تستنّى في عسل النحلة
صبورة كحلة (صبورة كحلة)
هزنا الطّيار ورمانا في عقاب الرحلة
ياه ضايع بين لحيوط وما لقيتش بلاصة
حومة بين بلاد الرهوط
يمّا خلّوني بالشيخة مسموط
و حوكمنا سرّاقة والكراسي بالهبوط
ياه نحب نشد الروت ونقلب المناظر
نقلب وجهي من هنا يا مّا
ما نحب نعيش الحياة بالموت
نوفى كيما ولد الجارة بالشيخة تبلى

[اللازمة: حمودة]
يا ليلي، ويا ليلة
واش باش نشكيلك يا يمّا
وقالولي لا لا
صغير و في قلبي غمّة
نحب نطير ونطير الفوق
يحبّو يقصولي جناحي
وليدك راني مخنوق
ومنك طالب سماحي

[المقطع الثاني: بلطي]
ريوس الرجالة مايلة
رزنت بالتخمام وبالشيخة المخاخ مبايلة
ولاد الحومة الشواطن مقايلة
الشر في العينين، بالخير ماهيش مستفايلة
يحبّو يسوقونا كيف الزايلة ومربط في زريبة
وخطوة الساقين مكايلة
يحبّوك برّي ما عندكشي عايلة
نعيشو في سيس



Опубликовано: 9 апр. 2020 г.▶ Orijinal video — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLBBR...

▶ Learn piano easily: https://tinyurl.com/netd-flowkey

▶Piyanoyu kolayca öğrenin: https://tinyurl.com/netd-flowkey

▶ Kanal 2 — http://bit.ly/2y6a2IE

İstek parçalarınızı yorumlara yazın. Yapar Paylaşırım :)


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Iletisim: Netd.piano@mail.ru



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Despacito - Luis Fonsi (Feat. Daddy Yankee) | Piano Tutorial

Despacito — Luis Fonsi (Feat. Daddy Yankee) | Piano Tutorial

Опубликовано: 8 мар. 2018 г.Piano tutorial da música: Despacito — Luis Fonsi (Feat. Daddy Yankee).

►MiDi: https://masterteclas.com.br/produto/d...

►Controlador Midi: http://bit.ly/controlador-novation

►Site: https://www.masterteclas.com.br

►Super Curso de Violão: http://bit.ly/violao_pratico

►Aprenda Teclado/Piano com a Flowkey: http://bit.ly/Flowkey

►Baixe GRÁTIS o ebook: 14 Dicas Para Turbinar Suas Habilidades no Teclado: http://bit.ly/Ebook-14-Dicas

►E-mail: contato@masterteclas.com.br

Lay lay lay la lay - Piano by VN

Lay lay lay la lay — Piano by VN

Опубликовано: 27 дек. 2017 г.Bu ve başka müziklerin Notaları için… — EĞİTİMİ SATIN ALMAK İÇİN TIKLAYIN ► https://www.udemy.com/course/piano-by...

▶ Learn piano easily: https://tinyurl.com/netd-flowkey

▶Piyanoyu kolayca öğrenin: https://tinyurl.com/netd-flowkey

▶ Kanal 2 — http://bit.ly/2y6a2IE

Vay Delikanlı Gönlüm — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwF0d...

Ölürüm TÜRKİYEM — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEBh2...

Sen Olsan Bari — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCnct...

Söz — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWLbF...

Omuzumda ağlayan bir sen-Piano by VN -https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnLB9...

Aglatan dans — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW_9d...

Tarkan — Yolla — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=336EC...

Icerde — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbuL9...

Kara Sevda — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8Y3m...

Dr. Dre — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rELww...

Diriliş «Ertuğrul» — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOoku...

Gece Gölgenin Rahatına Bak — https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&vide...

Cevapsız Çınlama — https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tITtR...

Videolardan memnun kaldiysaniz Abune olmagi unutmayin…


Social Media

Facebook http://bit.ly/2nl8NNZ

Twitter http://bit.ly/2lSGoll

Instagram http://bit.ly/2mZLtry

Iletisim: Netd.piano@mail.ru


Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz on a Jim Redgate classical guitar

Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz on a Jim Redgate classical guitar

Опубликовано: 28 мая 2015 г.Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz on a Jim Redgate classical guitar
Find your next classical guitar in our online shop:

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Want to hear more classical guitar music? Check out this playlist made for you:
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Classical guitars are our passion! We are specialized in the highest quality concert guitars as well as historic guitars from around the world. Our passion for these unique instruments and the joy to give guitarists, passionate players, and collectors the possibility to purchase their own appropriate instrument is the motivation that drives us. Another focus is to work closely with established and young, largely unknown luthiers. Together we want to develop new ideas and share experiences with our customers.

We also recorded pieces for many great composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Astor Piazzolla and Isaac Albeniz (Asturias). You will also find almost all the classical music composers that wrote for the classical guitar. Make sure to discover Agustin Barrios Mangoré, Manuel Maria Ponce, Heitor Villa-Lobos and many more if you don't know their compositions already

You can find our show room in 76137 Karlsruhe, Roonstr. 31, Germany


Jim Redgate is a highly sought-after Australian luthier, known for his guitars built for artists such as Ana Vidovic, Pepe Roméro and Odair Assad. This lattice-braced model is an exact copy of the guitar that Ana Vidovic plays. Jim Redgate’s instruments have their own sound and touch. The breath-taking volume combined with rich harmonics and impressive clarity of sound are quite unique. The playability is fantastic, and the guitars are relatively light in weight compared to the Australian standard.
We’ve of course heard Ana Vidovic in concert many times playing on a Redgate guitar, but this guitar convinced us even more of the quality of Jim’s work. The honesty and spontaneity of each note, the magnificent volume, the ease of playing, and the unique sound character of this guitar make it an instrument not only rare in Europe, but above all extremely enchanting.
Luthier: Jim Redgate

Construction year: 2019
Top: Cedar/Lattice
Back and sides: Bolivian rosewood
Scale: 650 mm
Nut: 52 mm
Weight: 1633 grams
Air resonance frequency: G


Tárrega: Gran jota (Arr. Romero)

Tárrega: Gran jota (Arr. Romero)

Опубликовано: 30 нояб. 2018 г.Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Tárrega: Gran jota (Arr. Romero) · Pepe Romero

Noches de España — Romantic Guitar Classics

℗ 1994 Universal International Music B.V.

Released on: 1994-10-07

Producer: Wilhelm Hellweg
Composer: Francisco Tárrega

Auto-generated by YouTube.

W. A. Mozart - Rondo alla Turca (Turkish March), solo classical guitar

W. A. Mozart — Rondo alla Turca (Turkish March), solo classical guitar

Опубликовано: 14 февр. 2012 г.In Mozart's time, the Ottoman Empire still ruled Turkey. Their military bands, called Janissary bands, were quite popular, even in Europe. Mozart borrowed from their sound and rhythm to produce this work, which became one of the big hits of Mozart's day. Its popularity has rarely waned since then. The final movement of the sonata, Rondo Alla Turca, captures the military bands' brassy sound. In its whirling feel, it can evoke another aspect of Turkish culture which has captivated Westerners--the whirling motion of the Sufi dervishes as they perform their ancient ritual of peace and wholeness, though the Rondo whirls at light speed, in contrast to the gentle movement of the Mevlevi.

Arranged and performed by Emre Sabuncuoglu. Copyright © 2012 Los Angeles Guitar Academy Publishing. All rights reserved.