Опубликовано: 20 июн. 2017 г.I went to Dallas!!! This was such an amazing experience, and a hot one too lol.
Tutorial coming this week!!
Love you guys
Van Seco❤️
Опубликовано: 23 мая 2017 г.Some of you may have seen this video on my Instagram: @vansecoo!
I started off my dancing journey by putting up videos on my Instagram of me shuffling around to some of my favorite songs! This is my favorite video I ever posted, it was so effortless, and fun.
I'll be posting a tutorial to the moves in this video next week, so stay tuned my friends!
TRACK ID: Feels Like Home by The Him
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE if you love what you see!
~here to express not impress~
Much Love,
Опубликовано: 13 июн. 2017 г.It took us quite a while to get the right take for this video. It was probably the 10th take in, going and going and going and none of them were satisfying me until my sister stops me and goes «Van I know why you don't like any of these, put some fucking sauce in there....» SAUCE!!! yes. Whenever Pam tells me to stop caring i immediately snap into myself. Nobody's perfect, I can get caught up on the look and the scenery and so much stupid shit like what people around me are thinking, basically the stuff that is so not important and as a result I get skillful but boring takes. but there's always that moment where you break through and get caught up in the music and start doing weird shit, that's truly when these videos turn out the best. Expression is my best quality, and it's what makes me, me!
As always fueled by @bangenergy and my favorite flavor ever Power Punch (it literally tastes just like fruit punch)